Stage act

  • Coins on a table
  • Royce - Int. Gala Rotterdam 2
  • Royce Egyptian
  • Royce - Tribute to Richard Ross and Veronique
  • Royce in Egyptian clothes
  • Royce rooster
  • Royce - Int. Gala Rotterdam 3
  • Royce and Mariandl Egypt theme
  • Royce
  • Royce - Int. Gala Rotterdam 1
  • Royce - Magic is indefinable
  • Efteling

Superb mysteries presented in an elegant style

Royce and Mariandl performed during 5 years their unique show wich was specially created for the Efteling.

Modern magicians do not go quite so far as to influence beliefs or control dynasties, but magical stage shows have stood the test of time for entertainment because they include a variety of very appealing aspects. A magical stage show involves showmanship, timing and the engagement of the audience in the unknown.

Stage acts are ideally suited for larger audiences and can be produced in a venue of almost any size. The limitations of venue are only that the audience can all see the magician and his assistant and that lighting is available that adds to the atmosphere and the intrigue involved with the acts.

Stage acts work great for bars and clubs, children’s groups, clubs, and business meetings. Nothing takes the edge off an uptight group of professionals like a magic show on stage.

Any magic stage act can be adapted to any audience. Some of the most popular performances include disappearing assistants, animal illusions, and levitation of objects and people. The fear factor and the sensuality of the performance can be developed with the magician so you get the perfect act for the age and taste of the audience you wish to enthrall and entertain with a magic stage act.



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About Royce

Royce hails from Holland and lives together with his partner Mariandl in Belgium.
Royce masters the classic art of magic and has developed very special acts. For instance the manipulation act with growing coins and goldbars was awarded with the Grand-Prix of the Netherlands.

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